Dylan Jones
General Cardiologist

Dr Jones is a Canadian-born Flinders University Graduate, gaining FRACP in 2015. Following his training in General Cardiology, he undertook clinical research in aortic stenosis and transcatheter aortic valve implantation, as part of a PhD.  He has also completed training in Non-Invasive Coronary Imaging using CT Coronary Angiography in the UK.

Dylan completed a 2-year Fellowship at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in Coronary and Structural Intervention, including Coronary Angiography and Structural Cardiology Assessment, PCI, Intravascular Coronary Imaging, Rotational Atherectomy, TAVI and PFO closure.

He is also a staff specialist Interventional Cardiologist at Flinders Medical Centre.

Dylan is a General and Interventional Cardiologist who cares for those affected by all cardiac conditions, with a particular area of expertise in Ischaemic Heart Disease and Structural Heart Disease.  He has a patient-centred approach to care focusing on improving health outcomes via the individualised support, education and realistic goal setting for each of his patients. He is very approachable and happy to be contacted at any time with any concerns and looks forward to helping practitioners and patients achieve their health goals.

Most recently Dylan has taken the position of Clinical Director of the Integrated Cardiovascular Clinical Network SA, with a goal of ensuring fair and timely Cardiology care to people of all regions of South Australia by removing barriers to the access to necessary, safe cardiovascular care and improving clinical outcomes.

Specialist Areas/Interests:
  • Coronary/Structural Intervention
  • Cardiac CT